Wednesday, October 31, 2007

CBH Crew Disappear - Forum, Voiceless Narrator Reappear!

TP News Service
In a shocking turn of events, both the Forum and the voiceless narrator (who was formerly used to impart pertinent information from a non-partisan, 'Third Person' perspective) have returned to the Comic Book Haters' fold. Tragically, these ressurections may go unheralded, as their arrival comes amidst rumors of a possible cessation of the CBH empire. "It's really not a rumor," says series Co-Host DJ Sloofus, "We pretty much came right out and said it."
This comment, which may seem obvious upon close scrutinization, remains blithely innocuous when merely glanced over. "I don't fucking know," informs well-known crankpot and graphic novel dethusiast Schoolworth G. Schoolington. "It's probably just some stupid fucking joke." When asked about the forthcoming forum, Schoolington replied, "I gotta go take a shit."
Those interested in observing the 'grass roots' creation of the new forum may check this particular inter-link. Anyone wishing to wait for the "Grand Opening" might be reminded of the fact that this forum will be located on the internet, and is therefore not prone to normal operating hours.
The above image was culled from, quite literally, billions of photographs displayed on the interweb. No connection with CBH, Inc. is expressed, implied, or blatantly stated.


Blogger Rick Rottman said...

I'm fairly certain this photo really is you two guys. If it is in fact just some random photo of two random dorks culled off the Internet, you guys could point someone to where it was actually culled from. Something I don't believe can be done since it probably came directly from the digital camera owned by one of you two dorks.

Skeptically Yours,

Super Fan Rick

11/02/2007 09:05:00 AM  

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